Friday, February 04, 2005


Are You Stuck In A Rut Of Habitual Monotony?
Living A Day To Day Exisitance That Is Boring and Sucking The Life Out Of You!

Are you one of the many Americans who has been on the treadmill of life chasing the dream stealer of all dream stealers - SUCCESS.

Many of us at a very young age were conditioned to think that the only way to get what you want in life is to work really hard and put in long hours to BECOME successful.

What happened to the dreams you once had of attending college, or going to Greece in a sail boat, or perhaps something as simple as having the time to spend with one of your children.

Well is about time that people WAKE UP and know that we have been dooped. It is time to break out of the industrialized workaholic mentality and TAKE OUR LIVES BACK!


I do not mean that you must run around acting silly all the time ( although you might want to ), or stop all your daily activities, but what I do want you to consider is IT PAYS TO PLAY!

There are so many benefits that play provides in a persons life, not to mention what it does to all those other people around them.

Think of a stressed out father who has just had a rough day at the office and walks through the door of the house and everyone is walking on eggshells. Or the mom who is fed up with washing the laundry and just can not think about picking up just one more dirty sock. She wonders if this what life is all about.

Where did all the FUN go?

It stopped for most people when life become more about the duties such as;
Taking care of the kids, keeping the house clean in case someone stopped over, worrying about the paying the bills, making the boss happy by working more and more and more, letting the vacation slide because you needed to finish that project that would possibily get you that next promotion and a raise or the endless other SHOULDS that steals the happiness and joy you long for.

This list is only the beginning!
What are the activities you used to do that brought you joy? Why aren't you doing them now?

Some of the activiites that make my heart sing are swinging on a swing at the park, coloring with any kind of paints or crayons, creating something new with ordinary objects around the house, and taking pictures of old junky things in a way that makes them look cool.

Playing4Success is about getting you out of the commuters hell, cellphone burnout, over stimulated computer and technology age to giving you playful activiites that bring a smile back to you FACE!

Most of the products we have, we thought were going to give us more time, but instead they have taken our lives and stole our freedom.

How many little kids or spouces have you seen out at a resturant or a childs birthday party where the parent is on the cell phone and the kids are the ones with the smiles?

We will give you the tools to create everything from a 5 minute play break to a 3 month sabbatical to LIVE IT UP!

Playing4 Success gives you simple answers to these questions:

  • How can you break the cycle of worry and stress that is at the root of situations you want to change?
  • How you can eliminate any negative emotions ( which are attracting your negative "reality") in as little as one minute, no matter how long you've had them, and no matter how "major" the issue?
  • What can I do to give myself an instant break? ( anytime and anywhere)
  • How can doing LESS bring you infinately more? ( and boy can it!)
  • Teach you very fun ways HOW to stop thinking about your duties.( We have many exercises that will help you break through to new levels of happiness and bring simles to your face)

Playing4Success will:

  • Explain how simply thinking about what you want your life to look like is not enough and why!
  • Teach you very fun ways HOW to stop thinking about your SHOULDS. (We have many excercises that will help you break through to new levels of happiness and bring smiles to your face.)
  • Teach you how to create a play date in simple easy methods.
  • Show you why playing brings big results and payoffs ( but only if you do it )
  • Give you proven step-by-step techniques for designing your play time to enliven you and those around you.

What will it take for you to say, "NO MORE, I WANT MORE to my life!"

So now you are asking, what is this big secret?

Before I go on, I want to address the skeptic who is reading this letter. If you think that you should pass this letter right on by and that Play could not possibly contribute any real results in your life, look at the people who fish for a living, play professional sports, or how about Jim Cary who spent a lifetime making funny faces in the mirror and now gets paid to do it on the big screen.

So, I invite you to relax, take a deep breath, and ask yourself this question, "What if I Played to Learn and Learned to Play and my life became effortless?"

So let's just make a deal that you will keep open and try some of these concepts to


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