Sunday, February 13, 2005

Indigo Children - Who are they?

There has been a buss starting for the past 6 years since some of the first books of Kryon talked about a new breed of child being born like they are some freaks.

Children are Children!

We are all part of the same and are all conneted as one.

The way I look at it as some children are born today to carry us into the future. They have a particular roll of keeping us on track as we head into the 21st Century.

Many adults are coming up to me these days and saying,"I am an adult Indigo. That sounds just like me." How I address that is many children were born with gifts and got a taste of them when they were younger as children, but the world was not set up to support that level of consciousness on a wide scale.

Many children back then closed down their gifts and talents for many reasons. Some more common ones I hear about are:
Being told they didn't exist
No one to assist with nurturing them
Being made fun of
Fear of being different

With the amazing shift happening at this time and in this culture, we do have an emergence of adults awakening to their deeper connection with Life itself. It is with this deeper connection that a person begins to understand their abilities and begins to learn how to attract other Indigo's to them as well as an understanding of the miracles that they are.

Look at what has happened in the last 10 years to support this happening.

The ancient secrets are coming forth from out of the Monestaries
Some Masters are becoming more visible
More western teachers are being taught eastern knowledge
New Massage schools are opening everyday
Massage is now widely recognized for it benefits
Yogo is now on TV, DVD, in homes, classrooms and practiced by the masses
Meditation in its many forms is used by the masses
Eastern religions are being studied by many
There are many new thought stores opening
New thought information is readily available in the big name bookstores such as Barnes&Nobels
Spiritual Cinema was laughed
Spiritual movies are being produced

There are many ways for adults to nurture this level of consciousness and support growth to new and deeper levels. I am seeing a huge need for ways to nurture the younger children. Being a conscious parent is one way... but I see there is a greater need.

In the movie INDIGO that was just released on January 28th, Stephen Simon and Neal Donald Walsh spoke about BEING the one you have been looking for. They are so right. Stop sitting around waiting for someone to show you the way.


I have refered to this many times with my students and people ask me all the time for the answers. I have to gently say to them:


You know what you are here to do. If you do not have the whole picture you will be given the next step if you follow your hearts guidance.

Our Children Are Our Future!

I see a need to nurture their gifts and keep them open.

I see a need to bond together and create new tools , books, classes and even schools that will CELEBRATE who they are in Spirit.

If you are interested join us weekly on Indigo Inspirations Salon at

You are the One you have been looking for.


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