Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bareback Fun


Is all I can say after my experience last night. I rode my daughter Danielle's new horse, Scribbles bareback.

I watch young girls throw one leg over, hop on and ride off with not a care in the world and smiling with the wind blowing in their hair. They look so FREE. I have always wanted to experience that joy but allowed my fear to stop me. I feared I would fall off and get hurt even though that had not happened.

I did not think this ole gal had enough balance or physical conditioning to stay on the horse as it moved about. Boy, was I sadly mistaken.

Bareback horseback riding for those of you city slickers who have never been in the saddle or haven't smelled the wonderful scents in a barn recently, is without a saddle. I mean there is nothing to hold onto. Nothing to grip your nails in or clamp your hands around if your horse descides to do something silly like trot fast or turn quickly. Without a saddle there is nothing to put your feet into to assist in balancing or just plain keeping your A_ _ on the horse. One might get a fresh taste and smell of the floor of the barn if one is not too careful.

My daughter suggest we go for a ride before turning in and heading inside. Today was the first coolish day we have had complete with just a hint of fall in the air. It had been such a fabulous day all around that I agreed but then she threw in a hook. She stated, " Let's go bareback Mom."

I felt a JOLT of fear hit me like a lightning bolt. BLAM! SHAZAM!

Incredible thoughts of No Way flooded my mind and body.

Thoughts like, I am too old. I might get hurt. I might fall off. I might look silly.

I was quickly reminded by my little mini me that I was acting like a scared cat.

And I will admit, I definitely was.

Oh My! Gulp! I swallowed my fear. Pulled up my pants. Stepped up on the stool. Kicked one leg over. And mounted Scribbles.

I was on. Now what. Scribbles is over 17 hands. She is not low to the ground but instead I felt like I was on top of a tall city sky scraper. All of a sudden she took a step forward. I had to sit and maintain my balance now as she moved. No Way! My charming daughter, Danielle, who professes to love me said, " Yes Way. You can do it" She has learned quite well how to coach people though their fears from none other than ME. And who would have thought she was listening so well.

So guess what? I did it. She took a step forward and I did not hit the dirt. I shifted my body and began to move my hip right along with her. Who would have guessed that before long we were scootin right on down the path joined together as one. Scribbles was so smooth. She is such a sweet girl looking after me and watching her every step as to not loose her ever so slightly scared passenger.

We went on a moonlit walk out in the woods on our property and it was delightful. I experienced a deep sense joy and a full body experience of what letting go is truly all about. Transformed in the moment. I took the HIGHER path.

I felt ALIVE. I felt shear excitement from the tips of my toes to hairs on my head. A sense of being fully in touch with something greater than myself. I could have played it safe and sat on the ground as the girls rode of in the sunset but I am blessed to have had the guts to RIDE BAREBACK.

I encourage you to find something you have always wanted to try but yet you allowed your thoughts to talk you out of it and just DO IT. Become ALIVE as I did.

Anyway, why should kids have all the FUN?

Get out there and do the Bareback Boogie.

This is my almost 15 year old riding and sometimes life coach, Danielle. She is an outstanding rider and has dreams of one day becoming an Olympic Equestrian Rider. She shows her horses and her passion is jumping. She assists people everyday to overcome their fears and her motto that she lives and teaches is, "The things you fear in life are generally the most worthwhile, so do it anyway and RIDE FREE."

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