Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Play4Success - Intro

What is Playing4Success?

Playing4Success is a more than a program it is a way of life. I define it as the state of being Child-like, that was once our most natural state . The truth about the human species is that we are to grow and develop in ways that emphasize rather than minimize childlike traits.

The traits that are to cherished and not deminshed as we grow into adulthood are:
Imaginativeness; open-mindedness; willingness to experienment; playfulness; energy; flexability; humor; honesty; receptiveness to new ideas; eagerness to learn; trust and belonging, and the most valuable of all, the need to love.

Adults fail to understand that these childlike qualities are the most valuable possessions we have as a human species. We should cultivate and nurture them forever and never let them fall by the wayside.

What adults fail to realize that children far surpasses the adult because of the wealth of their possibilities. Adults have far more to learn from children that the latter. Children are our teachers.

Danielle was my greatest teacher.

I remember my very own childhood. It was a time when I did not have all the adult programing and the filters for my life were so few. It was a time when I was most engaged with life and life was most engaged with me. I had few fears and love was all around me and I could feel it.

I find now the more I am around children and the more I study them, the more knowledge I have. Children are our greatest teachers. They are still curious and look at life anew every minute. They have a thirst for learning and a desire to adventure into new territories.

I was a newly divorced pampered housewife and with a child and now JOB. I had no confindence in my ability to provide for myself let alone my 3 year old daughter, Danielle. I remember clinging onto ever bit of furniture and possessions like they were who I was. I found that there was something outside of myself that was guiding me if only I would open up and let go of all of my fear.

I walked out of the marriage with a check for $5000 and my belongings. Just months before I was buying a huge motorhome and traveling to the Bahamas in our boat.

I wasn't sure how to move forward or what I was going to do with my life, but I did know I was following my inner voice. That voice inside me that was yearning to be heard. That little still voice that said, "You are not all this stuff that you cling to. You are such much more. You are divine and a perfect expression of the Christ Light."

Who was did I think I was being light?

My life seemed dark and in such dispare. I would tremble. I lost my sense of SELF. I did not know who I was or what my purpose was here on earth. There were times I wanted to climb in a hole and cover it back up with dirt.

I felt I had let everyone down including myself.

Somehow. Someway. Miracles started to become present to my awareness. I would focus on something, like a new home, a new car, a trip with the perfect client and amazing things would happen.

My daughter, Danielle, began asking me to PLAY with her. It was like tearing a hole in my gut.

I SHOULD be cleaning!
I MUST earn more money!
I CAN"T stop now, I must DO more!
There is NO time BECAUSE I NEED to pay the bills!

Those were the thoughts running through my mind all the time. I had put so many self imposed restrictions on myself that it is a wonder I ever heard my daughters PLEE to come play.

Danielle was 4 at the time and she wanted to teach me about life if I would just be open enough to hear and see. It took some time. I had to DETOX from the SHOULDS, CAN'T, BUTTS and HAVE NOTS.

I had to join her in the state of choiceless attention to what we were doing. We were engaging in a state of living moment to moment. My thoughts we emptied and my attention was in the moment. I was fully present for the first time in forever. My mind was relaxed and just dancing the Art of Play!

I was enlightened in that moment. I was PLAYING! My spirit felt freeom like it hadn't in years. I felt a deeper connection to life and life was engaging deeper with me.

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